Developing a Green Workforce

For the past fifty years, we’ve convinced our youth that a college education is the answer to finding a useful and rewarding career. While millions of college students study anthropology, English, history and other subjects not directed toward essential careers,...

Combustion Safety Testing and Risk Elimination

Am I wrong or are health mandates, such as combustion safety testing and ventilation,  crippling home performance and weatherization? The American quest for risk elimination wastes billions of dollars annually.           For example last week,...

Energy Conservation for Buildings: Our Best Investment

Approximately half of all energy used in the U.S. is consumed within buildings. Half of that energy is wasted because of shortsighted design, sloppy construction practices, and careless building operation. Energy conservation in buildings is the easiest and best...

Questioning Worst-Case Combustion-Safety Testing

What new health-and-safety mandate will the home-energy community embrace next? We have worst-case combustion testing, the new lead regulations, the ASHRAE 62.2 ventilation standard, and new asbestos policies. Given the distraction from the energy-conservation mission...

Solar Energy After Your Building is Efficient

Solar energy is the next best building-energy solution after energy conservation. Wind and photovoltaic electricity are competitive with coal-fired electricity and less expensive than nuclear electricity. However solar energy isn’t as powerful, or reliable, as...

Superinsulation Retrofit: What’s it Going to Cost?

I’ve done three superinsulation retrofits. The cost range is somewhere in the range of $35 to $70 per square foot of conditioned floor space. The best opportunity for a superinsulation retrofit is when you’re remodeling or renovating a home.    ...