Continuing Education
Continuing Education and Professional Development
Continuing education or professional development is a requirement for maintaining certifications with many organizations. We offer a variety of courses and training modules that can help you meet those requirements. Check the category list for certification programs that have approved our training modules.
The way organizations calculate the amount of CEU credit varies by the organization. Organizations like InterNACHI, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy, and the IRS developed the methods that we use for calculating Continuing Education credit hours for all our courses. We use a word-count and course-content formula:
[( # of words ÷ 140 ) + ( Audio/Video time in min. ) + ( # of questions x 1.85 )] ÷ 50 = CEUs
We divide the word count of the required reading by 140 words per minute, which is the average reading speed of adults reading technical content. We multiply the total number of review questions, exercises and final examination questions by 1.85, which is the estimated average completion time per question. We then add these two numbers, plus the actual audio/video duration time, if any, and then divide the result by 50 to calculate the CEUs for the self-study program. If the total minutes are not equally divisible by 50, the CEUs granted may be rounded down to the nearest one-half credit.
Showing 1–9 of 54 results
A/C & Heat Pump Equipment ID (Mini Course)
$65.00 -
Air Pressure and Flow (Mini Course)
$25.00 -
ASHRAE 62.2 Ventilation Standard (Mini Course)
$65.00 -
Attic Insulation Preparation (Mini Course)
$40.00 -
Blower Door Test Preparation (Mini Course)
$25.00 -
Blower Door Testing (Mini Course)
$125.00 -
Blower Door Testing Manometers (Mini Course)
$50.00 -
Blower Door Theory (Mini Course)
$40.00 -
Combustion Safety (Mini Course)