Cooling Your Home with Night Air

Tired of your house always being hot? Nighttime ventilation works well for cooling buildings in many climates, especially in milder summer weather. Nighttime temperature and relative humidity are big factors for determining whether you can use nighttime ventilation....

Using Words: One Word, One Meaning

Writing Words for Communicating We at Saturn have a few rules about words. One is that we describe an item or idea with a single word or term. We don’t use two terms for describing something or one term for describing two or more things. If there are two common terms...

Energy Efficiency and You

According to Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory, energy efficiency is “using less energy to provide the same service”. We all strive for energy efficiency for different reasons. Maybe you want to reduce your impact on the environment, or to simply lower...

Comfort Expectations and Energy Conservation

Differences in Energy Use Over the years, I  learned a little about how Europeans use roughly half of the energy, per person, as we Americans do. This is true even though most buildings in Europe have no insulation!  I lived in Prague, in the Czech Republic, between...

The Future of Energy

Good Decisions are Important to Our Energy Future There’s a problem for the future.  Solving our energy crisis requires making good decisions and avoiding bad ones. Fortunately the right decisions are good for the economy. They’re good for carbon reduction...

Biomass Energy Choices

I’m annoyed when renewable energy trumps energy conservation in the media, and nowhere is this tendency more prevalent than with liquid bio-fuels. Biomass Energy Efficiency To make a gallon of ethanol, start with 23 pounds of corn with a potential energy of...

Planting Trees for Our Environment and Economy

Besides just looking good, planting trees provides many important environmental, economic, and energy efficiency benefits. A man doesn’t plant a tree for himself. He plants it for posterity. — Alexander Smith Deciduous trees, planted on the South, Southeast, and...

Selling Weatherization Services

Regardless of current politics and energy prices, our buildings desperately need weatherization. But buildings are owned by our customers who must agree to pay for our services. I’ll hazard to state the obvious, but selling is a skill. You can succede at selling...