Mobile Home Weatherization (Short Course)

(9.0 CEUs) Mobile and manufactured homes are approximately 9% of homes in the United States. We generally call the older homes “mobile homes” and the newer ones “manufactured homes.” HUD manages a national building code for manufactured homes, which is completely...

Worker Health and Safety (Short Course)

(8.0 CEUs) Workers face a variety of hazards on the job site. In this course, we focus on the most dangerous of these hazards including the following. Air pollutants Falls and back injuries Driving and vehicle maintenance Hearing and visual...

Energy Auditor (Long Course) 65 CEUs

(65 CEUs) In the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) the job requirements for energy auditors and quality control inspectors (QCI)  overlap. You need most this course’s information to become an energy auditor, building analyst, or energy rater. If...

Air Sealing Buildings (Short Course)

(7.0 CEUs) Air leakage is among the very most wasteful energy problems found in buildings. This short course  explores the nature of an air barrier, how to find air leaks, and how to seal ducts and the holes they often create through the building envelope.