Heat-Loss Building Science of Walls (Micro Course)

(0.5 CEUs; 30 minutes) Wall insulation is more challenging than floor or ceiling insulation because walls are vertical and experience the kind of chimney effect. This means they are more likely to have convection currents that reduce their thermal resistance, compared...

Heating Load and Annual Consumption (Micro Course)

(0.9 CEUs; 55 minutes) Heating load is a term that describes the capacity of a heater. Annual energy consumption is an important figure because it determines how much energy a heating system uses in a year, and from that you can determine the annual cost of heating a...

Window Performance (Micro Course)

(0.9 CEUs; 55 minutes) This micro course provides a good outline and foundation of window performance and the effects of windows on comfort and energy use. The first video in this micro course discusses four different performance factors relating to windows. The other...