Curing Water Hammer in Two-Pipe Steam Heating Systems

A steam heating system combines a steam boiler with a distribution system consisting or pipes, valves, and radiators. Steam heating requires more maintenance than hydronic or warm air because of the make-up water flowing into the boiler. Often the boiler water needs...

Multifamily Energy Efficiency

Saving energy in multifamily buildings is similar to saving energy in homes. The choices become different for multifamily housing as the building increases in size. The fact that one building is home to many people also becomes a factor in selecting energy...

Quartz Heaters and Other Electric Space Heaters

Many recent advertisements tout specific electric space heaters as being superior to others. This article explains the operation of the two general types of electric space heaters and discusses advantages and disadvantages of different designs. Electric resistance...

Energy Efficiency through Home Performance

Human nature makes us adopt new and exciting ideas. The recent interest in all things green is an example. Energy conservation is the best way to make your home more environmentally responsible, or green, but how do you find a contracting company that is as green as...

The Mystery of Air Leakage

Air leakage causes curiously high heating and cooling costs in buildings that are supposed to be energy-efficient. This shouldn’t be a mystery. You can’t achieve airtightness without trying. Airtightness has never been a goal of the building construction industry, and...