Multipoint Blower Door Tests (Micro Course)

(0.8 CEU; 45 minutes) Multipoint blower door tests are useful for harvesting a variety of diagnostic data that single-point test can’t provide. This micro course presents two videos and several reading assignments on multipoint blower door testing with and...

Worst-Case Depressurization Testing (Micro Course)

(0.9 CEU; 55 minutes) Naturally drafting combustion appliances often spill their combustion products and produce carbon monoxide. Worst-case depressurization testing is an accepted way to discover whether a particular heating appliance is spilling or producing CO...
Duct Blower Theory (Mini Course)

Duct Blower Theory (Mini Course)

(1.5 CEUs) Excessive duct leakage causes major energy and comfort problems in many buildings. This lesson covers why and how building-energy specialists test duct-system leakage. You’ll learn the following. The methods and equipment used to test duct-airtightness.How...

Duct Airtightness Testing (Short Course)

(5.0 CEUs) Duct air leakage is one of the most challenging energy wasters that energy specialists strive to reduce. Like building air leakage, duct air leakage is difficult to measure. This course discusses two distinct ways of evaluating or measuring duct leakage:...