Electricity Peak Load and Air Conditioning (Micro Course)

(0.5 CEU; 25 minutes) Electricity peak load is one of the world’s most challenging energy problems. In the summer heat, the energy users of a particular utility company all need electricity at the same time. This peak load drives up the cost of electricity to...

Electricity, Energy, and Power (Micro Course)

(0.5 CEUs; 25 minutes) Even though we depend on electricity for so many essential functions of our civilization, our understanding of electricity tends to be incomplete. This course is a good place to improve your understanding of electricity and how it relates to...
Electric Power and Energy (Mini Course)

Electric Power and Energy (Mini Course)

(1.5 CEUS) Electricity has become an essential for our civilization. You need to know a little about electricity, how it creates heat, how it operates and controls devices, and how we generate it.