Cooling with Ventilation (Mini Course)

(2.0 CEUs) This lesson discusses how to cool a home with only fans. Fans can create a wind chill effect, and they can cool the home with night air, assuming that the air outdoors is cooler than the air indoors. Here are the main topics of this lesson. Circulating...

Heating and Cooling Introduction (Mini Course)

(1.0 CEUs) Good buildings provide adequate comfort to their occupants. Occupants experience discomfort, sub-optimal health, and reduced productivity in buildings that don’t provide adequate comfort. This lesson covers how the thermal envelope, HVAC systems, and...
HVAC Retro-Commissioning (Mini Course)

HVAC Retro-Commissioning (Mini Course)

(1.0 CEU) HVAC systems are expensive to replace. When we solve HVAC problems without replacing the system, we benefit our client. This mini course covers how to improve existing HVAC systems through retro-commissioning. Retro-commissioning evaluates the functioning of...
HVAC Retro-Commissioning (Mini Course)

Duct Insulation (Mini Course)

(1.0 CEU) Ducts located outside the conditioned space need duct insulation. Without insulation, ducts outside the thermal boundary waste energy and don’t deliver conditioned air to inside spaces efficiency. This leads to comfort problems, condensation problems, and...

Mobile-Home Shading (Mini Course)

(1.5 CEUs) Older mobile homes lack overhangs to shade windows and newer homes may have an overhang that provides little shade. The roof colors of mobile homes are often a dull grey or a dark color of shingles. These characteristics lead to excessive summer solar gain....