Multipoint Blower Door Tests (Micro Course)

(0.8 CEU; 45 minutes) Multipoint blower door tests are useful for harvesting a variety of diagnostic data that single-point test can’t provide. This micro course presents two videos and several reading assignments on multipoint blower door testing with and...

Simple Pressure Diagnostics (Mini Course)

(1.5 CEUs) What we call “pressure diagnostics” is a group of tests and observations that help us diagnose and locate air leaks. We do pressure diagnostics during a blower door test. We take measurements of pressure and airflow, which help us to know how leaky a...
Blower Door Testing (Mini Course)

Blower Door Testing (Mini Course)

(3.0 CEUs) The purpose of this lesson is to describe the exact process of conducting a blower door test. There are many considerations and issues to understand. Building-energy specialists can set up blower door equipment in a variety of incorrect ways. This lesson...
Blower Door Testing (Mini Course)

Blower Door Test Prep (Mini Course)

(1 CEU) Building-energy specialists need to prepare the building envelope in a consistent way to conduct accurate blower-door tests. This lesson outlines how to prepare the building to energy-industry standards. You’ll learn how windows, doors, ventilation equipment,...
Blower Door Testing (Mini Course)

Blower-Door Manometers (Mini Course)

(2.5 CEUs) Building-energy specialists use manometers to measure building air-pressures and blower-door airflow. Your measurement’s accuracy depends how you set up and use the manometer. Manometers have many different settings depending on the building and other...