Roof and Attic Ventilation (Mini Course)

Roof and Attic Ventilation (Mini Course)

(1.5 CEUs) Most attics and roofs require ventilation to protect the roof from ice damming, moisture damage, and excessive summer heat. This course covers important strategies to keep roofs and attics dry and cool. You’ll learn about climate-specific ventilation...
Roof and Attic Ventilation (Mini Course)

Attic Insulation Preparation (Mini Course)

(1.5 CEUs) Before insulators install attic insulation, they need to prepare the attic. Too many attics are insulated without sufficient preparation. Never insulate in attic without air sealing the attic first. Without good prep work, the attic insulation job won’t...

Attic Insulation Methods (Short Course)

(4.0 CEUs) Attics are usually the most important building assembly to insulate correctly. Attic insulation saves energy in both the heating season and cooling season. Find your reading assignment under the Materials tab. A short quiz will evaluate your retention of...