by John Krigger | May 10, 2022
(0.5 CEU; 25 minutes) This important 13-minute video discusses Fraud, Waste and Abuse by comparing good purchasing and hiring practices with bad practices. This video is relevant especially to government agencies and non-profits.
by John Krigger | Apr 28, 2022
(0.8 CEUs; 50 minutes) How do we communicate so that everyone understands us? How do we adopt good trainer behavior and avoid poor trainer behavior? Two videos and some handouts should put you on the right path. Don’t forget your reading assignments that you’ll find...
by John Krigger | Apr 27, 2022
(0.7 CEU; 45 minutes) How do we optimize the way we teach? Present summaries in your introductions, work from outlines to stay organized, resist distraction, put your ego aside, welcome trainees that may know as much as you do and ask for their help. Expect that...
by John Krigger | Apr 27, 2022
(0.5 CEU, 30 minutes) This course presents a book summary of Building Expertise, Training For Performance Improvement. This book is an important and valuable guide for trainers, based on research by the University of California on training methods that work and...