Blower Door Test Prep (Mini Course)

Blower Door Test Prep (Mini Course)

(1 CEU) Building-energy specialists need to prepare the building envelope in a consistent way to conduct accurate blower-door tests. This lesson outlines how to prepare the building to energy-industry standards. You’ll learn how windows, doors, ventilation equipment,...
Blower Door Test Prep (Mini Course)

Blower-Door Manometers (Mini Course)

(2.5 CEUs) Building-energy specialists use manometers to measure building air-pressures and blower-door airflow. Your measurement’s accuracy depends how you set up and use the manometer. Manometers have many different settings depending on the building and other...
Blower Door Test Prep (Mini Course)

Blower-Door Theory (Mini Course)

(2.0 CEUs) Blower door tests are essential to building-energy evaluations. This lesson covers the science behind blower door tests and how we use test results to evaluate building airtightness. You’ll learn the following. Why airtightness tests are...

Analyzing Consumption (Mini Course)

(1.5 CEUs) You can learn a lot about a building by looking at its energy bills. This lesson will help you separate baseload energy consumption from seasonal energy consumption. Monthly baseload consumption stays nearly the same throughout the year. Seasonal energy...