Mobile-Home Construction  (Mini Course)

Mobile-Home Construction (Mini Course)

(1.5 CEUs) We begin this course by showing you how mobile homes are built. This lesson will explain how workers assemble the home in the factory, starting from the steel trailer up through the roof. The construction sequence and methodology is quite different from the...

Duct Air Sealing (Mini Course)

(1.5 CEUs) This lesson begins by talking about duct-leakage standards and duct leakage measurement. You’ll learn where to find the duct leaks in this lesson. Also, this lesson shows you the methods and materials that duct sealers used to seal ducts. We then...

Air Barrier Basics (Mini Course)

(1.5 CEU) Air barriers are an essential part of the building envelope of an energy-efficient building, but the need for air barriers in buildings isn’t well known. This Air Barrier Basics lesson covers air-barrier principles and typical air-barrier installation...
Mobile-Home Construction  (Mini Course)

Avoiding Jobsite Health Hazards (Mini Course)

(1.5 CEUs) This lesson outlines the most dangerous biological and chemical hazards that we find in buildings and on job sites. We discuss the personal protective equipment (PPE), administrative changes, and other actions to protect workers from these respiratory,...

Worker Accident Prevention (Mini Course)

(2.5 CEUs) This course outlines the most prevalent accidents, according to statistics, that workers face on the job. For each potential accident, we outline safe procedures for doing the job while avoiding accidents. We discuss: Falls from heights and...