Worker Accident Prevention (Mini Course)

(2.5 CEUs) This course outlines the most prevalent accidents, according to statistics, that workers face on the job. For each potential accident, we outline safe procedures for doing the job while avoiding accidents. We discuss: Falls from heights and...
Residential Refrigerators (Mini Course)

Residential Refrigerators (Mini Course)

(1.0 CEU) Refrigerators and freezers use a lot of electricity. This course discusses when it makes economic sense to replace an old refrigerator. Older refrigerators can use four times more electricity than new energy-efficient models! The course covers the following...
Residential Refrigerators (Mini Course)

Lighting Introduction (Mini Course)

(1.5 CEUs) Electric lighting consumes a lot of electricity in buildings. This lesson covers the principles of lighting design and the impact of lighting selection on electricity consumption. The lesson discusses the following topics. Types of light sources and light...

Reducing Baseload Cost (Mini Course)

(1.5 CEUs) This course discusses a wide variety of baseload energy uses. Home electronics and entertainment have grown to be a major electricity user over the past 25 years. Besides the basics, this course also discusses pools and spas. How baseload energy uses vary...

Water Heater Basics (Mini Course)

(2.5 CEUs) There is quite a variety of different types of water heaters, both electric and fossil fuel powered. This lesson focuses on the different types of water heaters, their characteristics, there advantages, and their disadvantages. Most buildings in the US...