by John Krigger | Mar 13, 2022
This test draws from the same question pool as the final exam in our Energy Auditor Course. If you think you don’t need our Energy Auditor Course, or our review badge courses to pass this test, well give this test a try. The worst you can do is to discover what...
by John Krigger | Sep 17, 2021
(65 CEUs) In the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) the job requirements for energy auditors and quality control inspectors (QCI) overlap. You need most this course’s information to become an energy auditor, building analyst, or energy rater. If...
by Ron Robinson | Sep 17, 2021
(65 CEUs) In the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) the job requirements for energy auditors and quality control inspectors (QCI) overlap. You need most this course’s information to become an energy auditor, building analyst, or energy rater. If...