Combustion Safety Testing (Mini Course)

Combustion Safety Testing (Mini Course)

(2.5 CEUs) In this course, you’ll learn how to visually inspect and to follow test procedures that discover safety problems. Here’s what the lesson covers. Gas leakage testing.Worst-case depressurization testing.Spillage testing CO testing.What to look for in a visual...

Combustion Safety (Mini Course)

(1.5 CEUs) Improperly installed or unmaintained combustion appliances are serious health and safety hazards. This lesson covers the principles of combustion safety. You’ll learn the following. Why combustion appliances are potential hazards.How to inspect appliances...

Moisture Management for Buildings (Short Course)

(8.0 CEUs) Moisture damage is one of the two leading destroyers of buildings, along with fire. When we retrofit a building, we may need to repair existing moisture damage first. We should do what we can to solve existing moisture problems. Also, we must avoid doing...

Whole-Building Ventilation (Short Course)

(8.0 CEUs) Air leakage doesn’t provide reliable ventilation. As we make buildings more airtight, we must install whole-building ventilation. This course discusses building-science principles such as: indoor-air quality, air leakage, relative humidity, and...

Worker Health and Safety (Short Course)

(8.0 CEUs) Workers face a variety of hazards on the job site. In this course, we focus on the most dangerous of these hazards including the following. Air pollutants Falls and back injuries Driving and vehicle maintenance Hearing and visual...