by John Krigger | Apr 27, 2022
(0.8 CEU; 45 minutes) Multipoint blower door tests are useful for harvesting a variety of diagnostic data that single-point test can’t provide. This micro course presents two videos and several reading assignments on multipoint blower door testing with and...
by John Krigger | Mar 13, 2022
This test draws from the same question pool as the final exam in our Energy Auditor Course. If you think you don’t need our Energy Auditor Course, or our review badge courses to pass this test, well give this test a try. The worst you can do is to discover what...
by John Krigger | Mar 13, 2022
This test focuses on the knowledge and experience of an energy auditor who’s been on the job between more than five years. More than half of the questions on this test require on-the-job experience to answer correctly. Tests you on the knowledge, training, and...
by John Krigger | Feb 9, 2022
(2.0 CEUs) The Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) is a federal program created by Congress in 1979. Since then, WAP has weatherized millions of low income homes. WAP is managed by DOE on the federal level, state governments on the state level, and local...
by | Feb 6, 2022
( 9.0 CEUs) Before we spend money on improving the buildings energy efficiency, we need an energy audit. There is quite a bit of math and other evaluation tools involved in an energy audit. You need a wide variety of information to evaluate a home and to write a work...