Understanding Summer Heat Gain (Micro Course)

(0.5 CEU; 30 minutes) This 10-minute video breaks down the components of summer heat gain’s including solar gains, air leakage, internal gains, and heat transmission. Understanding how our environment heats our buildings during the summer is essential to creating good...

Simple Zone-Pressure Diagnostics (Micro Course)

(0.7 CEU; 35 minutes) This 10 minute video explains how to use manometers during blower door tests to find clues about the performance of air barriers. We call the tests contained in this video: simple pressure diagnostics. Find your reading assignment under the...

Home Energy-Use Outline (Micro Course)

(0.3 CEU; 20 minutes) This 7-minute video outlines main energy-use categories for seasonal heating and cooling energy and the important baseload energy consumers. Find your reading assignment under the Materials tab. Together, the two should help you realize the...

Electric Circuits Introduction (Micro Course)

(0.5 CEU; 30 minutes) This micro course contains a variety of information on the most common electric circuits found in buildings. We present electric circuits in two videos. The questions in the exam are based on the two videos. We also include two optional readings...

HVAC Refrigeration Cycle Introduction (Micro Course)

(0.6 CEU; 40 minutes) The HVAC refrigeration cycle is a very important concept in building science and HVAC. This micro course is a good introduction or a good refresher course, in case you haven’t thought about refrigeration in a while. Most of the content in...