Heating and Cooling Equipment Fundamentals (Short Course)

(7.0 CEUs) This course explains why we need heating and cooling systems and how to identify different types of heating-and-cooling systems. Energy auditors need to identify heating and cooling equipment to make decisions and to write work orders. Energy specialists...

HVAC Basics (Short Course)

(8.0 CEUs) The many components and processes of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) are challenging to understand. The purpose of this course is to help you understand how HVAC systems work, and what you can do to improve their efficiency. This is our...

Gas Combustion Heating (Short Course)

(6.0 CEUs) This course covers mainly the operation of furnaces, but also space heaters and hydronic boilers. The purpose of this course is to help you recognize the different types of gas heating appliances, to understand how they work, and to make simple decisions...

Moisture Management for Buildings (Short Course)

(8.0 CEUs) Moisture damage is one of the two leading destroyers of buildings, along with fire. When we retrofit a building, we may need to repair existing moisture damage first. We should do what we can to solve existing moisture problems. Also, we must avoid doing...