Heat Loss and Gain (Mini Course)

Heat Loss and Gain (Mini Course)

(2.0 CEUs) People need space conditioning systems because the outdoor temperature is different than the temperature that people prefer indoors. This lesson explains basics of how buildings gain and lose heat according to the season.

Attic Insulation Methods (Short Course)

(4.0 CEUs) Attics are usually the most important building assembly to insulate correctly. Attic insulation saves energy in both the heating season and cooling season. Find your reading assignment under the Materials tab. A short quiz will evaluate your retention of...

Duct Airtightness Testing (Short Course)

(5.0 CEUs) Duct air leakage is one of the most challenging energy wasters that energy specialists strive to reduce. Like building air leakage, duct air leakage is difficult to measure. This course discusses two distinct ways of evaluating or measuring duct leakage:...

Low-Energy Cooling (Short Course)

(8.5 CEUs) Refrigerated air-conditioning is the most expensive way to create summer comfort. Low-energy cooling minimizes energy-intensive refrigerated air-conditioning by reducing solar gain, air leakage, and relative humidity. When we reduce heat gains, air leakage,...

Windows and Doors (Short Course)

(9.0 CEUs) The purpose of this course is to help you understand the characteristics, performance factors, and installation procedures of windows and doors. Windows and doors are a critical elements of the energy efficiency of the building envelope. Windows present us...