Temperature and Heat (Mini Course)

(2.0 CEUs) Learn about the relationship between temperature and heat. Study the difference between sensible heat and latent heat. Discover how substances release heat and absorbed heat when there state changes from solid to liquid to gas. Understand how to calculate...

Introduction to Weatherization (Mini Course)

(2.0 CEUs) The Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) is a federal program created by Congress in 1979. Since then, WAP has weatherized millions of low income homes. WAP is managed by DOE on the federal level, state governments on the state level, and local...

Simple Pressure Diagnostics (Mini Course)

(1.5 CEUs) What we call “pressure diagnostics” is a group of tests and observations that help us diagnose and locate air leaks. We do pressure diagnostics during a blower door test. We take measurements of pressure and airflow, which help us to know how leaky a...

Building Evaluation Skills (Short Course)

( 9.0 CEUs) Before we spend money on improving the buildings energy efficiency, we need an energy audit. There is quite a bit of math and other evaluation tools involved in an energy audit. You need a wide variety of information to evaluate a home and to write a work...