Recent Writing, Editing, and Technical Review


In 2014, Saturn rewrote a 300-page home-building manual, Northern Comfort, with over 150 color illustrations for Alaska Craftsman Home Program (ACHP), the designated training organization of the Alaska legislature for contractors and building-trades persons on Alaska’s Building Energy Efficiency Standards (BEES). Part of this project included aligning Northern Comfort to the relevant parts of the 2012 International Residential Code (IRC).

In 2015, Saturn converted the RESNET standards into a responsive-web-design in HTML for their website. The template we used is optimized for screens from large computer screens down to smart phones. This allows raters to access the RESNET standards, while doing an energy rating.

Saturn is currently assembling Certified Passive House Consultant (CPHC) manual from audio files of the CPHC Webinar under contract with PHIUS (Passive House Institute US). Were converting speech to text, then editing and laying out the text.

Saturn assisted the DOE in aligning their Standard Work Specifications for Home Energy Upgrades (SWS) with the 2012 IRC and the IECC from 2012 through 2015.

In 2014 Saturn published a 500-page illustrated field guide, customizing it to the local codes and weatherization best practices of 17 States. Saturn provides these customized field guides to State weatherization programs in three formats: Adobe PDF, an HTML 5 web-help document, and a printed document. The electronic documents are linked (hypertext) to the SWS website, housed as an internet database at the National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL). The links help DOE monitors verify that the State’s weatherization field guide complies with the SWS, which is a DOE funding requirement. The links also allow the State’s managers and monitors to compare their field guide with the federal SWS standards.

In 2013 Saturn published weatherization standards and an illustrated weatherization field guide for the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) weatherization program. BPA’s weatherization program serves the 134 municipal utilities and rural electric co-ops in the Northwest where the BPA supplies electricity. Part of this project included aligning the new standards, field guide, and online lessons with the 2012 IRC and 2012 IECC.

Writing by Committee


We have the special talent for writing by committee. We can work with a committee to garner technical review. Since committee members don’t always agree on everything, we  resolve controversy and clarify ambiguity. We can provide references to support our success in converting “group-think” into readable and useful documents.

Writing for Research Institutes

National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)

We produced and illustrated consumer fact sheets for the DOE’s Energy-Efficiency and Renewable-Energy Clearinghouse. Topics include: active and passive solar heating, heat-pump operation and maintenance, home-moisture problems, window treatments, natural-gas heating efficiency, and mechanical ventilation.

Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)

We wrote and illustrated a technical manual on hydronic heating for residential and light commercial buildings, entitledHydronic Heating: A Practical Overview. Also wrote and illustrated Energy-Efficient Ducts: A Practical Overview.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

We beta tested the National Energy Audit (NEAT) computer software and wrote illustrated software manual for NEAT in 2001.

Writing and Research for Utility Organizations

We’ve written articles and short publications for: the Energy Ideas Clearinghouse, the Western Area Power Administration, the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, and the Consortium for Energy Efficiency

For the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA), John Krigger wrote monthly columns for utility-customer magazines throughout the U.S. on topics of residential energy efficiency. He also wrote a series of articles on energy-efficiency for commercial buildings for NRECA utility newsletters and websites.

We wrote, illustrated, and published Specification of Energy Efficient Installation and Maintenance Practices for Residential HVAC Systems for the Consortium for Energy Efficiency, a utility consortium in the Northeast US.

Our Publishing Mission

We achieve high reader comprehension and reading speed through careful outlining, clear and simple writing, as well as attention to details. We write in technical English as defined in the Federal Plain Language Guidelines, Simplified Technical English (ASD-STE100), and our Saturn Style Guide. Our abundant illustrations make our publications the most useful and friendly you’ll see among technical publications.

We publish documents in print, PDF, eBook, and HTML web-help formats.



Custom Publications for Energy Efficiency in Buildings

We specialize in producing publications about energy conservation and energy efficiency for buildings.

  • Consumer Guidebooks: Guidebooks to advise consumers about energy conservation purchases and program rules.
  • Procedures: Step-by-step instructions about how to implement energy efficiency.
  • Specifications and Standards: Illustrated technical rules for the application of energy programs.
  • Energy Policy: Administrative rules on program operation.


Weatherization Field Guides for U.S. Department of Energy

Saturn collaborated with the DOE regional offices and committees of State weatherization programs to develop installation standards for weatherization programs in four DOE regions. These projects included setting standards, documenting step-by-step procedures, and checking procedures against applicable building and mechanical codes. Saturn staff performed writing, editing, layout and final production of the Weatherization Field Guides in printed and digital formats. 1997 – 2015

  • Weatherization Guidebook for the DOE Regions
  • DOE Weatherization Field Guide for 40 State Weatherization Programs
  • Weatherization Field Guides aligned with the DOE’s new Standardized Work Specifications (SWS)

Call or email us if you want to customize Saturn publications to fit your energy program or if you want to create a new publication.