Current Lesson List
Our e-learning lessons contain between 15 and 25 slides. Each is narrated with between one minute and three minutes of scripted narration. A lesson also usually contains a couple of short videos and a multiple-choice quiz. The average lesson requires 1.7 hours of student effort. The lesson recognizes the student and reports his or her lesson score to the LMS. Here is a list of our current lessons in a table.
A/C & Heat Pump Equipment ID |
Air Barrier Basics |
Air Pressure and Flow |
Analyzing Consumption |
ASHRAE 62-2 Ventilation Standard |
Attic Insulation |
Attic Insulation Preparation |
Basic Mechanical Ventilation |
Blower Door Test Preparation |
Blower Door Testing |
Blower Door Testing Manometers |
Blower Door Theory |
Building Energy Design Strategies |
Building Energy Metrics |
Building Energy Retrofit Strategies |
Bulk Water Management |
Business Operations |
Combustion Efficiency |
Combustion Safety |
Combustion Safety Testing |
Combustion Venting Systems |
Construction Basics |
Cooling Principles |
Cooling With Ventilation |
Crawl Space Issues |
Customer Service |
Deep Energy Retrofit Envelope |
Deep Energy Retrofit Planning |
Densepack Wall Insulation Retrofit |
Door Selection |
Duct Air Sealing |
Duct Blower Testing |
Duct Blower Theory |
Duct Energy Efficiency |
Duct Insulation |
Electric Power and Energy |
Energy Auditing |
Energy Calculations |
Energy Efficient Windows |
Evaluating HVAC Airflow |
Fibrous Insulation |
Finding Major Air Leaks |
Foam Board Insulation |
Foam Insulation |
Gas Combustion Basics |
Gas Combustion Heating Overview |
Gas Furnace Efficiency Strategy |
Gas Heating Systems ID |
Geometry |
Handout – Attic-Roof Insulation and Air Sealing |
Handout – Blower Door Testing |
Handout – Building as a System |
Heat Loss and Gain |
Heating and Cooling Introduction |
High Performance Floors Foundations |
High Performance Roofs |
High Performance Windows |
Human Comfort |
HVAC Efficiency Choices |
HVAC Refrigeration |
HVAC Retro-Commissioning |
HVAC Retrofit & Replacement Efficiency Choices |
Identifying Gas Furnaces |
Improving HVAC Airflow |
Indoor Air Pollutants |
Insulation Introduction |
Insulation Performance Factors |
Insulation Test Results |
Lighting Introduction |
Low Energy Cooling |
Math Operations |
Moisture Management |
Moisture Theory |
Preparing for Retrofit Attic Insulation |
Pressure Pan Duct Testing |
Professional Insulation Equipment |
Reducing Baseload Cost |
Refrigeration |
Residential Refrigerators |
Roof and Attic Ventilation |
Sales Skills for Contractors |
Simple Zone Pressure Diagnostics |
Site Drainage for Buildings |
Spray Foam Insulation |
Stopping Heat Gain |
Subspace Insulation Air Sealing |
Superinsulated New Walls |
Superinsulated Wall Retrofit |
Superinsulated Walls |
Temperature and Heat |
Unventilated Roof Insulation |
USA Climate Literacy |
Ventilation Systems Overview |
Wall Insulation Materials |
Water Barriers and Flashing |
Water Heater Basics |
Whole Building Ventilation Systems |
Window and Door Installation |
Window Economics |
Window Introduction |
Window Performance Factors |
Window Treatments |