Floods present a number of hazards for the home and its occupants. Besides directly endangering occupants and soaking their home and its contents:
The weight of flood water can sag the home’s floor or move its walls;
Moving flood water can move the footings and/or piers;
Moving flood water can wash out footings’ bases;
Debris carried by moving flood waters can damage the home; and
Rising flood water can float the home off its foundation.
In flood-prone regions, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) recommends using compacted fill and/or an elevated foundation to raise the home above the anticipated flood level. FEMA also recommends locating footings beneath the ground’s surface (below the flood’s reach) and tieing the home down with ground anchors to resist flotation and wind.
Elevated foundation systems use reinforced concrete piers or a wood post-and-beam framework to raise the home 3-to-6 feet off the ground. These elevated foundations are fastened securely to the home’s I-beams.
Skirting is often not installed on flood-resistant foundations. It could dam flood waters which could crush the skirting and damage the home.