Evaluating the Need for Supplemental Combustion Air

This post is a revised version of the last post about Evaluating Combustion Air. The changes are a result of the many discussions I had with the experts in the previous post. You know who you are. Thank you. I continue to value your suggestions. Feel free to comment...

Evaluating Combustion Air

Hey, I would really appreciate some feedback on this method of evaluating combustion air. Unnecessary Holes in the Building Contractors often cut combustion-air holes in ceilings, floors, walls, and doors without knowing whether the combustion appliance zone (CAZ)...

Effective Combustion Safety and Efficiency Testing

The combustion-testing paradox in our industry The recent literature review by Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, titled: Assessment of Literature Related to Combustion Appliance Venting Systems, asserts that worst-case depressurization testing isn’t likely a...