Long Courses, Short Courses, Mini Courses, Micro Courses and Tests
(1 Hour of Effort = 1 CEU)
Products | Short Description | Price | Quantity | Action |
(1.5 CEU) Learn about electricity, how it creates heat, how it powers and controls devices, and how we generate it. Slides, videos, and handouts.
(3.0 CEU) In this mini course we describe the exact process of conducting a blower door test. Energy auditors and inspectors can set up blower door equipment in a variety of correct or incorrect ways. This lesson explains how to set up the blower-door-test equipment the right way. You’ll learn the following.
(1.5 CEU) Gas furnaces come in a variety of designs and sizes, with efficiencies that range from 50% to more than 90%. This mini course discusses and illustrates the three main furnace types and the factors that affect their efficiency.
(1.5 CEU) Most attics and roofs require ventilation to protect the roof from ice damming, moisture damage, and excessive summer heat. This course covers important ventilation strategies to keep roofs and attics dry and cool. You’ll learn about climate-specific ventilation issues and roof design features that eliminate problems.
(1.5 CEU) Doors are a small but important part of a building envelope. Study how to select and install energy-efficient doors. Learn about door R-values and other features..
(1.5 CEU) Windows must meet certain performance factors to deliver acceptable comfort and energy efficiency. Learn to select the right windows based on the performance factors described in this course.
HVAC Basics 8.0 CEUs
The many components and processes of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) are challenging to understand. The purpose of this course is to help you understand how HVAC systems work, and what you can do to improve their efficiency. This is our most advanced course on HVAC.
1.1 HVAC Retrofit Efficiency Choice—1.5 CEUs
HVAC systems are expensive to replace. If we replace an existing system, we should make it the most efficient systems that the client or organization can afford. This lesson covers how to make the best choices to either service the existing system or select and install the most efficient HVAC system the customer can afford. You’ll learn the following.
Know the four common problems with AC and HP systems.
Understand the two most basic efficiency choices for existing HVAC systems. Service or replacement.
The importance of HVAC equipment sizing and selection.
1.2 HVAC Retro-Commissioning—1.0 CEUs
HVAC systems are expensive to replace. When we solve HVAC problems without replacing the system, we benefit our client. This lesson covers how to improve existing HVAC systems through retro-commissioning. Retro-commissioning evaluates the functioning of HVAC systems through measurement and adjustment. You’ll learn the following.
How to diagnose HVAC-system problems.
How to find effective solutions to HVAC problems.
How to conduct post-improvement tests to measure your success.
The importance of preventative maintenance.
1.3 Evaluating HVAC Airflow—1.5 CEUs
HVAC airflow problems are difficult to diagnose and fix. Poor HVAC airflow can dramatically reduce building energy performance, even if the building is otherwise energy efficient. Never assume that HVAC airflow is sufficient for good HVAC efficiency. This lesson covers the causes and solutions of common HVAC airflow problems. You’ll learn the following.
How to evaluate an HVAC system’s airflow.
How to diagnose inadequate airflow.
How to recommend solutions that improve HVAC airflow.
1.4 Improving HVAC Airflow—1.5 CEUs
HVAC systems are only effective if they distribute the right amount of conditioning to building spaces. Forced-air HVAC systems are notorious for air-distribution problems. This lesson covers conditions that reduce the effectiveness of forced-air distribution systems. You’ll learn how static pressures, equipment maintenance, and duct design affect airflow into rooms. You’ll also learn methods to improve forced-air distribution and solve airflow problems.
1.5 HVAC Refrigeration—2.5 CEUs
Central air conditioners and heat pumps rely on the refrigeration cycle to provide heating and cooling. This lesson explains the refrigeration cycle in simple language with clear diagrams. You’ll learn the following.
How HVAC refrigeration systems work.
Common problems that reduce refrigeration efficiency.
How to recognize refrigeration problems.
How to specify solutions that restore refrigeration effectiveness and increase efficiency.
(6.0 CEUs) Many combustion heating systems in existing buildings have problems with fuel-burning and the venting of combustion byproducts. This short course explains the basics of combustion safety testing and combustion venting systems.
(5.5 CEU) Understand the operation of furnaces, space heaters, and hydronic boilers. Recognize the different types of gas furnaces, understand how they work, and find out how to make gas heating systems safer and more efficient.
(8.0 CEU) As we make buildings more airtight, we need to install whole building ventilation. Air leakage isn't a reliable means of ventilation. Study indoor-air quality, air leakage, and ventilation strategies. Learn a variety of ventilation systems and discuss how to install them.
(1.5 CEU) Different foam board products have different R-values and other characteristics. Find out how to identify foam board insulation, how to choose the right kind for your job, and how to install foam board.
(4.0 CEU) Attics are the most important building assembly to insulate correctly. Attic insulation saves energy in both the heating and cooling seasons.
(9.5 CEU) Understand the materials and equipment used in the insulation trade. Study insulation material characteristics and installation methods in this short course.
(2.5 CEU) This lesson covers the features of storage water heaters, along with some new water-heater designs. Explore water-heater types, their main components, and compare their efficiencies.
(2.0 CEUs) Without enough ventilation, buildings decay and occupants suffer respiratory problems. How do we implement a successful ventilation strategy? Find out with this mini course. |
(2.5 CEUs) Air conditioners and heat-pumps come in many designs and sizes. Slide show and handout explain how to identify A/C and heat pump equipment in buildings.
(1.5 CEU) Ventilation air can flow below or above the roof deck, which affects insulation choices. Above-deck ventilation & unvented roofs have advantages over below-deck roof ventilation.
(1.5 CEUs) This mini course explains how to prepare an attic before insulating it to avoid poor performance and safety hazards.
(2.0 CEUs) Blower door tests are essential to building-energy audits. This mini course explains the science behind blower door tests and how we use test results to evaluate building airtightness.
(1.0 CEU) Improperly installed or unmaintained combustion appliances are serious health and safety hazards. This mini course explains the principles of combustion safety. Learn why combustion appliances are potential hazards and how to inspect them for combustion-safety problems.